Are you ADA Compliant? Do you need to be?

Are you ADA Compliant? Do you need to be? Starting in 2009, various courts held that the ADA applies to the websites of places considered to be “public accommodations” under that law.  As such, the websites had to be made accessible to individuals with disabilities. ...

Why Choose CeJay Websites & Photography?

Why Choose CeJay Websites & Photography? Are you tired of having a website that doesn’t truly represent your business or organization? Do you want a website that not only looks amazing but also drives real results? Look no further than CeJay Websites in...
Getting Your Site Listed on Google

Getting Your Site Listed on Google

Getting Your Site Listed on Google Getting your website listed with Google can take a few weeks to a few months. However, there are some actions you can take to hurry this along. As an added bonus, these steps will improve your website’s online reputation and...
Your Site is About to be Launched! What’s Next?

Your Site is About to be Launched! What’s Next?

Your Site is About to be Launched! What’s Next? Some last minute preparations are needed to make your business website really work for you. Since this is a marketing tool, then let’s be sure all the pieces are in place so your efforts have maximum impact. Claim...
SSL vs Website Security

SSL vs Website Security

SSL vs Website Security To make your website as safe as possible, you need both SSL and Website Security. What is SSL? SSL certificates have become the best practice in website security. Adding SSL to your website will also help it rank it higher with Google and other...
Writing for your Website: stay away from “hidden” negatives

Writing for your Website: stay away from “hidden” negatives

Writing for your Website: stay away from “hidden” negatives As Judith Humphrey writes in her blog, “the language you use shapes other’s impressions of you… [even little words can be] damaging to your brand and reputation, even if in subtle ways. My...