SEO – What NOT to do

SEO – What NOT to do Stay off of Google’s “naughty list” by avoiding these bad ideas: Keyword stuffing/spamming/abusing, too little content, Lots of low quality link…

Search Engine Strategies: Part 2

Search Engine Strategies: Part 2

Search Engine Strategies: Part 2 Working with the Search Engines Submit your home page URL to the search engines that are most relevant to your site. While there are hundreds of search engines, the most frequently used are Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN, AOL Search, and...
Search Engine Strategies: Part 1

Search Engine Strategies: Part 1

Search Engine Strategies: Part 1 Part A: Constructing your Site with Search Engines in Mind We all know that we want our website to list as close to #1 as possible, in as many ways that people might search for you as possible. Construction your site with search...